Diana Miranda
- Nutrição
Principais áreas de interesse
- Neurological diseases, geriatrics, malnutrition, dysphagia.
Formação académica
- Degree in Dietetics and Nutrition from the Lisbon School of Health Technologies (ESTeSL).
- Master’s degree in Clinical Nutrition from ESTeSL and the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Lisbon.
Resumo da atividade Científica
- 3 Scientific articles published in indexed journals.
Atividade Académica
- Guest professor at the Alcoitão School of Health.
- Speaker at the 1st and 4th edition of the Nutri2Go event at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Lisbon.
Rua Carlos Alves, N. 5
1600-515 Lisboa | PORTUGAL
Bairro de Santo António, N. 7
2560-280 Torres Vedras | PORTUGAL